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Motorcycle Accident Lawyer in Mount Pleasant Iowa

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Representing Victims of Motorcycle Crashes

If you’re looking for the freedom of the open road, there are few better ways to find it than by riding a motorcycle. Unfortunately, even with safety precautions and protective gear, motorcycle riders have the potential to be severely injured after an accident. Motorcycle crash victims can face thousands of dollars in property damage repairs, medical bills, lost wages, and more.

Being the victim of a motorcycle accident is a frightening and overwhelming experience. As you focus on resting and recovering from your injuries, the last thing you should have to spend time on is negotiating with insurance agents or filing a lawsuit to hold a negligent driver accountable. By working with an experienced team of motorcycle accident attorneys, you can heal from your injuries and receive the compensation you deserve.

Our team of motorcycle accident lawyers at Cornell Injury Law has years of experience helping clients with personal injury claims. We are confident that we can help you recover damages and get the payment you need. For a free consultation, contact our law firm by calling 319-946-4019.

What Are the Most Common Causes of Motorcycle Accidents?

Like other motor vehicle accidents, motorcycle accidents happen for a variety of reasons. Determining the cause of your accident can help you decide how to file your motorcycle accident claim. Our Iowa motorcycle accident lawyers will examine your case to determine the leading cause of your accident.

The main causes of motorcycle accidents include:

  • Speeding
  • Distracted driving
  • Not using traffic signals
  • Poor road conditions
  • Driving on the wrong side of the road
  • Weaving in and out of lanes
  • Faulty vehicle equipment
  • Constant stopping
  • Tailgating
  • Unexpected hazards
  • Road rage
  • Poor weather conditions
  • Driving under the influence
  • Not following traffic laws

In many motorcycle accident cases, the driver of the passenger vehicle is at fault. A driver’s negligence can cause them to run into motorcycles and hurt riders. Serious injuries can cause symptoms that last a lifetime, leading to thousands of dollars in medical debt.

What Kinds of Damages Can You Seek After a Motorcycle Accident?

Once an Iowa motorcycle accident lawyer on our team has determined the main cause of your accident, we can begin building a case to recover damages on your behalf. Damages describe any monetary losses you experienced as a direct cause of the motorcycle accident. You can claim these damages to receive compensation.

The most common damages motorcycle accident victims seek include:

  • Medical bills, current and future
  • Property damage repairs
  • Lost wages
  • Lost earning potential
  • Pain and suffering
  • Emotional distress

In some cases, victims pass away because of their injuries. If your loved one died as a result of a motorcycle accident, you may be able to seek a wrongful death claim on their behalf. Wrongful death claims allow surviving family members to receive compensation for things like loss of companionship and emotional distress.

If you would like to seek a wrongful death case, contact our law firm today. Our attorneys will examine the cause of the motorcycle accident to determine if you and your loved ones have a claim.

What Are the Most Common Injuries After a Motorcycle Accident?

Many motorcycle accident victims suffer severe injuries that leave them with life-long symptoms. If you are in a motorcycle accident, seeking medical attention right away is essential. Some injuries may not show symptoms until well after the accident.

The most common injuries after a motorcycle accident include:

Even with protective gear like helmets and full-body outerwear, motorcycle injuries can be serious and life-threatening. Medical expenses for injuries like these can skyrocket fast, making financial compensation of the utmost importance.

Who is Liable in a Motorcycle Accident?

Proving liability is essential in a personal injury case. If you can prove the other driver’s negligence is the cause of your injuries, you will very likely be able to recover compensation for your expenses.

Negligence is defined as acting recklessly or dangerously when the safety of others is put in jeopardy because of their actions. Negligence can also describe the omittance of an action that a reasonable person would have done in a similar situation.

For instance, a driver texting and driving could be charged with negligence. Drivers have an implied duty of care to ensure the other motorists on the road are not endangered by their actions. By engaging in distracted driving, the driver behaved negligently.

Hiring a team of Iowa motorcycle attorneys greatly increases your chances of proving liability. The court will not allow you to recover compensation unless you can prove negligence, which is of the utmost importance to your case. Contact our personal injury attorneys today for more information.

Should I Consult a Personal Injury Lawyer?

Personal injury claims help injured motorcyclists seek compensation for their various expenses after an accident. Motorcycle accidents can be catastrophic and even deadly, leading to expensive medical bills, property damage repairs, and more. Negligent drivers deserve to be held accountable for their actions.

Consulting a personal injury attorney is the best way to receive compensation for your injuries. By getting legal representation, you can focus on resting and recovering from your injuries while our team recovers damages on your behalf. We will negotiate with insurance companies, speak to the other party’s representation, and advocate for you in court if necessary.

At Cornell Injury Law, we understand how devastating a motorcycle accident can be, and we aim to get you the maximum payment you deserve. For a free consultation and to learn more about our services, contact us today by calling 319-946-4019.